In our second installment of the pronouns series, we’ll look at ambiguous pronouns. Pronoun (and noun), where art thou? The SAT also tests ambiguous pronouns. Those are pronouns that are either unclear or refer to someone or something not specified in the sentence. What does that look like? Here’s an example from Erica Meltzer’s The Ultimate Guide […]
Pronouns: Calling in the Professionals
My husband tells me he thinks of pronouns as “pro nouns” – professional nouns. They’re the ones you call to stand in for the regular nouns. You need to understand how pronouns work because they account for a whopping 17% of the test questions in the Writing section. Of all the pronoun questions, the majority […]
SAT Math Inequality signs: Alligators are always hungry
Ocassionally, some of my students get confused as to which way the inequality sign is supposed to go. One way to remember it is to think of an alligator mouth. Alligators are always hungry, so they will want to eat the larger amount. 5 is greater than 2. […]
Know Your SAT Rights
The amazing Debbie Stier recently took the SAT and had a bad experience: the proctor didn’t keep accurate time, the location was noisy, and the desks were too small. She investigated and discovered that the College Board has an official Standard Testing Room Manual. Her post (and blog) is worth reading in its entirety, but here’s […]
SAT Essay Tips – Write Like the Wind
[NOTE: this applies to the pre-2016 version of the SAT] You have already used up 2-3 minutes of your time SAT essay by choosing a side and outlining your essay. Now you need to write like the wind! You must have at least four paragraphs in your essay: Introduction 1st body paragraph 2nd body paragraph Conclusion […]
SAT Essay – Outline Your Essay
[NOTE: this applies to the pre-2016 version of the SAT] On the 25 minute SAT essay, you don’t have the time or the room to create such a comprehensive view of your argument. Here’s how you quickly organize your thoughts. Briefly outline your essay Right there on the bottom of the page outline your […]