There are a plethora of free SAT tests written by the College Board available on the Internet – not that you would know that by looking at their website. They only offer links to the 2012-2013 Official SAT Practice test. But buried on their site are the Official SAT Practice tests from 2011-2012, 2007-2008, and 2004-2005 as well. The Wayback […]
College checklists for juniors and seniors
The New York Times just published their June college checklists for juniors and seniors. They focus on what to do this month to prepare for college next fall or for your senior year. Here’s the checklist for juniors and seniors.
This pink pony can save your SAT critical reading score
I’ve been talking about pink ponies for years. It’s one of the most critical skills on the reading section on both the SAT and the ACT. Almost-right is good enough in school Apparently in schools, teachers just want you to get close to the right answer. They’ll give you partial or even full credit […]
A secret strategy to increase your SAT Critical Reading score
We don’t pay attention to boring things. I know this isn’t earth shattering information. 🙂 However, I’ve got a twist on it that you can use to increase your critical reading score. John Medina, author of the brilliant book Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School, lists 12 key ideas […]
5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity
Eric Barker over at Barking up the Wrong Tree has a written a great post on 5 Top Secrets to Getting More Done. Automate things to keep up the resivoir of willpower Get sleep Make a checklist so you don’t forget steps Fight procrastination Elevate your mood Read the whole post here.
SAT Study Tips
The blog is getting rather long and verbose, so I organized the most popular posts by category. Here is an organized listing of SAT study tips for overall strategy, math, critical reading, and writing SAT Study Tips